• Λογιστικές Υπηρεσίες

  • Φοροτεχνικές Υπηρεσίες

  • Ελεγκτικές Υπηρεσίες

  • Σύμβουλοι Επιχειρήσεων

  • Ανεξάρτητη Νομική Υποστήριξη.

Accounting &
Tax Services
  Labor and Insurance
related issues
Legal Support

A prerequisite for the success of your business, are the right partners


Account Link Theodoridis I. Panagiotis & Associates in Thessaloniki employs modern techniques of management, monitoring and updating its clients, in order to offer versatile, reliable, prompt accounting and fiscal support to the needs of your business


Do you have any questions regarding our business or your accounting and tax related obligations?

Don’t hesitate to contact us!

2310 529108


Labor and Insurance related issues

The Labor and Insurance Law in Greece is a maze of laws, regulations, court decisions and collective agreements, which are often interpreted differently, even by the various offices of the same institution, such as the Social Insurance Institute . The payroll of a business’ staff is an issue that demands our constant observation and update, particularly after the latest changes in the Labor law. Therefore, our office is always prepared to provide solutions to any eventual problems and carry out the procedures that may be deemed necessary.

After many years of painstaking gathering and filing of laws, lists of case law and any other relevant material, our office has the expertise necessary to create a specialized database on labor and insurance related issues. What is more, we can provide you with business associates who have the experience necessary in order to utilize this database in the best possible way. Our office can offer you specialized solutions that have the needed legal documentation, to any labor or insurance related problem that may arise.

In brief, the services our office can offer you concerning labor and insurance related issues are the following:

  • Analytical Periodical Report  – Hiring and Dismissing staff – Voluntary retirement – Supplementary pension funds – Establishment plans – Employment contracts – Inventory – Changes – Tax clearances – Payroll taxes
  • Admission to new job positions programs and maintenance of staff paid by the Manpower Employment Organization , projects that are monitored until their completion
  • Updates on all eventual changes in employment contracts and prompt replies to any type of question you may have


Below you may find a comprehensive list of the labor and insurance related issues covered by our office:

Section One

  • Updates on labor issues (leaves, working hours, Collective Agreements, sick leaves)
  • Support on insurance issues (consulting on issues related to costs, obligations towards insurance institutions or broader issues of employee insurance etc.)
  • Prompt updates on changes in Labor / Insurance / Tax Laws and Collective Labor Agreements

Section Two

  • Preparation and submission of the relevant reports to the Manpower Employment Organization  and the Labor Inspectorate in case of hiring or retirement
  • Registration in Insurance Institutions
  • Preparation and submission of the annual establishment plan to the Labor Inspectorate
  • Preparation of the instructions towards insurance institutions and Public Fiscal Services , concerning bank transfers
  • Preparation and submission of the Provisional Payroll tax statement to the relevant Public Fiscal Service
  • Preparation and submission of the Analytical Periodical Report to the Social Insurance Institute , hard and soft copy or online submission
  • Issuing and submission of the Final Payroll Tax statement

Section Three

  • Payroll calculation and inspection
  • Printing of payroll reports which include an analysis of gross wages, insurance deductions, payroll taxes and other payroll related parameters
  • Preparation of reports (per employee, cost center, branch, work department etc.)
  • Other calculations (from gross to net wages and vice-versa, employee cost etc.)
  • Printing of payment receipts and reports on the payment of wages via web-banking
  • Tax clearance for employees and preparation of the End of Year Certificate for their tax statement
  • Annual payroll reports
  • Calculation of the dismissal compensation for all employees for future use
  •  Calculation of the compensation in case of termination of contract or retirement
  • Issuing of employer certificates for Insurance Institutions and the Manpower Employment Organization , on the employee’s request
  • Issuing of previous employment certificates

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Location - Map

Account Link Location - Map
Menandrou 58 Str. Zip 54352 Pylaia
Thessaloniki Greece